Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Unnecessary War. 

There is talk that there is a brutal war in the DRC, and it mostly has to deal with the demand in the countries for minerals that would be required for their military. The Demotratic Republic of Congo has been beset by war and it is one of the most violent, and unstable not to mention poverty stricken nations on this planet. In an artice All Africa was said that "over six million people were killed since 1996". This is one of the deadliest conflicts in the WORLD since World War II. This is just one side to conflict; rape is being used as a "weapon of war" the numbers are up to the thousands. This conflict is a sad truth that wealth can account for so much violence. To whom do is held responsible? Anyone who is capable of causing any degree of chaos in eastern DRC. There is an abundace amount of Ruwandan refugees dedicated to their OWN survival, and they are trying to overthrow their own government. Their involvement in this conflict alone is mainly just their existance, these people have the worst records when it comes to human rights. Of course money is involeved as well, which they are getting from ILLEGAL coltan sales. 

All these people want only best for themselves. I know in my last blog I talked about violence, but I thought I would continue with this unnecessary war because it is truly important that it is brought to people's attention what else is happening in this world, and how cruel it is to treat people like this with no remorse at all. I understand that countries are trying to make their upbringings but things like this is NOT the way to go about doing that. In the article I read children are being used for hard labor work just for people like us to have things like dimonds. Are they really THAT important? Wouldn't you rather want to help children, then have them be in a dangerous work place? I know that I would never want any child to put into a situation where they would not be safe. The US imports the majority of what the minors dig up! It is truly sad. The demand for coltan is becoming a big financing conflict in the DRC and helping to promote that it is truly evil child/slave labor. 

"Morcan Books & Films." Morcan Books Films. Web. 29 Apr. 2015. <>.

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